Friday, May 1, 2009

Its Friday ^.^

At last, its that day of the week we all have been waiting for. Its the day when busy birds go to rest, people stop thinking their cool and the time for many men to fap...

To celebarate, I have found this awsome demotivational poster! I lol'd my ass off with this one...

This makes me want a bear so bad! Imagine riding through the battle feild, riding a freaking BEAR! That would scare the shit out of my enemies. As they run away, they get gunned down by my ak-47 while my partner (the bear) feasts on his foes! That would so kick ass!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Art of the Headshot

When a person plays a video game, they will play for the satisfaction of pwning noobs. Which can be a very good thing almost all the time. However, there is one art of multiplayer gaming which stands out from the rest. People call it, "The Headshot"

Naturally, when you are shot in the head in real life, you die almost instantaniously. In most video games, game developers do a pretty good job of depicting a head shot. Its a simple concept really. One shot, one kill. Its execution and technique are gained that of experience. No one can teach you how to make a headshot. You must learn it with extensive training and development of techniques developed by yourself and only yourself! So when you go on Call of Duty, or Unreal Tournament, dont take headshots for granted. Whenever you make a headshot, say somthing motivational to your self. Somthing like... "Fuck yea!" or "Byah! Headshot!". What you say is to your hearts content and only yours.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Evolution of the Vampire

Well... This is an interesting topic in particular. People have been watching movies and reading books about vampires living in modern society as outcasts and such. Personally, I think its a load of horse shit! This is a vampire!
Take notice of the corny posture depicted in this image. Notice the blood thirsty look on his face. He looks like he's either going to suck your blood, or rape you. Throughout history, vampires have been depicted as evil beings from the depths of hell who are immortal and live in Transylvanyia. Not as horny teenagers as depicted in Twilight like these people!

These are not vampires! These are the people who are going to introduce your children to drugs and probablly traumatize them! With a REAL vampire, you get a good laugh because they are very funny! These kinds of vampires just make you bored... The old count Dracula was amazing! He was the guy you didnt want to fuck with! This guy was so baddass, that he slept in a wooden box. A WOODEN BOX! Not like these pussies who use matresses...

Why cant hollywood bring back the good vampires! Not these douchbaggy teenagers who think its "Forbiden Love" or somthing corny like that...

And yes, Im a sucker for the classics. I belive the generations before us were geniouses! Now we just kind of take what they did and expand on it...

Videogame Design: Harder then it looks?

Not at all! What makes the world of videogaming so dynamic is the creative ability to do whatever you want. Obviously, you need to be one hell of a programmer to design software to create video games and render maps, and stuff like that. But the steps can be broken down easily. However, I dont know those exact steps. If I knew them, I wouldnt be here talking about it. I would be putting it to the test!

Anyway, probablly the best user freindly engine I know is the source engine. Valve (The developers of the source engine) give players of their games to discover what makes their levels tick. By opening up the Source Developer Kit (The SDK) you can develop your own maps for popular video games such as Left 4 Dead, Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Portal and even Counter Strike Source! Ive been mapping with the source engine for a few months now, and let me tell you... GOD DAM! This stuff is hard as hell! You have to worry about colliding lighting, similar atmosphearic lighting, defining prop entities, npc battle lines, ect. To make a HL2 map takes at least a full month working 12 hours a day to make a full quality map with the detail that valve puts into games like Half Life 2. Incredible really... I just got the full hang on the SDK and now Im making full maps with everything needed to make a map work (And work well). It takes alot of time and dedication (Early on, I scrapped at least 12 projects) to get into the gist of it all.

Once you work with such software though, you have a much better appreciation for video games and their developers (Metal Gear Solid 4 for example. A true work of art!) and when you learn the general techniques developers use to make games, you notice that they are not even perfect! In the first level of Halo 3, as soon as you spawn, turn all the way around and look behind the first tree on the left. Cant get behind there right? It blocks you. This is called a player clip and is one of many things developers use to make sure the player doesnt get "Stuck" and have to restart the level.

With the increase in multiplayer gaming, singleplayer has become less of a common aspect you see in alot of games. Stories dont link together as they should and the abilities of the created universe arent expanded upon. So much could have been done for the Halo serise, but the result is a typical first person shooter. Dont get me wrong, its a great game. Alot of effort went into it to make it what it is, but there are things that it was lacking because they wanted to fix the multiplayer

Being able to play online with your freinds is a really cool aspcet of any video game, but however it comes at a cost for people who truly appreciate games and see what they are truly worth. Your always to rushed in multiplayer to pwn those noobs (And they deserve it) but you dont get that oppurtunity to look around and smell the digital air. The atmosphear that is created in a game like Silent Hill is truly spectacular! It messes with you. You cant see more than five feet ahead of you (Because of the fog)

Though the combat system in Silent Hill V sucked horribly, the level design and atmosphear is incredible. Truly a masterpeice of level design! I never liked the game to much because of its slow proggression and its horrific combat system (Very choppy and unsatisfying) but still is a great example of a well designed videogame.

I hope this has given you a little insight onto how game developers see things and such.

Freemans Guide to a Good Time- Part1

Hey, I notice people take life to seriously. I notice in my life that Im pretty chill. I know how to have a good time. The only reason I dont do more is because Im to lazy. So here is part 1 of my guide on how to have a good time...

-Listen to Queen's "Dont Stop Me Now"
-Be part of an online community
-Watch classic movies with freinds (My recomendation, 2001 a Space Odyssey)
-Play Time Crisis at the movie theater with freinds (TC 1,2 arent as good. If you can find 3, then your in the zone)
-See how many times you can get rick rolled in one day!
-Play some sort of sport with your freinds (My recomendation, contact golf! Its like golf, but with a football element to it)
-Look through your phone bills and see how much you spend on texting. If you have unlimited texting, see how much it costs you in the long run just to say "Omg roflmao, he said tht???1?"
-Play an online videogame with freinds
-Get toghether at your house and play Grand Theft Auto. You wouldnt think it, but GTA lets the good times roll fast
-Laughing at inferior beings (animals and aleins only. not people of any kind. My blog does not endorse racism. Only politically correct humor)
-Throwing stuff at birds and seeing if you can hit them (Owl's=3points Eagles=10points The Band the Eagles=Perfect score)
-Remember the generation before you and realize how little they got done, despite what the history textbooks tell you (Because they were all high)
-Listening to your mental playlist
-Procrastinating homework (Not saying I do, but it would sure as hell leave more time for other things if I did)
-Reading my blog

And thats about all for part 1 of my guide to a good time. Some things I didnt put on there were things like partying and clubbing. The reason? Cause you always get into unnessecary trouble at those things (Esspecially if you under the age of 18) When Im older, you can bet your ass those are going on this list.

I hope this has expanded your veiw on life. If not, then to bad and your time has been given to me while you read this. I now own your time. How does that make you feel?

Monday, April 27, 2009

My idea of the paradise city.

I was listening to the song "Paradise City" by guns and roses the other day and I asked myself, "What would my paradise city have?" And I thought and thought...

Then I came up with this!

It would be much the same as the G&R version, with the grass being green and the girls being pretty. However, there are many other things I would add. First off, a genie. That would be the shit right there! You rub his lamp and he comes out and gives you three wishes. Then I would wish for all the wishes in I wanted! Another thing I would want would be a trebuchet in my backyard of my dreamhouse (Which I will talk about another time) just incase I was bored. Nothing is more amusing then throwing stuff our of a trebuchet! One thing there would NOT be in my paradise city would be war. War is a horrible thing. Lives are lost, money is wasted and airtime of television is spent covering war instead of that new episode of the simpsons I was desperatley waiting for! And the roads... Oh the roads... It would be built by the richest of men (literaly, built by rich people with shovels, and wheelbarrows and everything) made of silver. The yellow lines on the road would be gold and the white lines made of platinum. Pretty fly way to roll with the first hovercar (Also made of gold). There would also be a casino where crazy shit would happen all of the time. One week, I go in and its being robbed by George Clooney, next week, theres Pierce Brosman hitting on another woman at the poker tables and so on so forth. And lastly, I would NOT be president of this paradise city. I would be the DICTATOR! I would rule with an iron fist and a "Mathmatical Theory Policy" Meaning this...

Disobience+Revolution=Burnt at the stake

Im sure you get the point. That about covers my paradise city. There would probablly be more in it, but that will be for another day.

Welcome to my blog!

Some of you may know me as Matthew Thomas. Others in the source community may know me as gordon.freeman12. Therefore, I will use that name instead ^.^

Well, I just thought to myself "What the hell. I got nothing better to do. So Im going to make a blog about whatever the hell pops into my head!" And then this was born. So I hope that you all find these future posts to be interesting and Ill be sure to update often. Some of the things you may see in here are ideas for stories I may write, song parodies, rants on the decline of social creativity, ect. So be sure to keep updated and welcome... Its safer here...