Monday, April 27, 2009

My idea of the paradise city.

I was listening to the song "Paradise City" by guns and roses the other day and I asked myself, "What would my paradise city have?" And I thought and thought...

Then I came up with this!

It would be much the same as the G&R version, with the grass being green and the girls being pretty. However, there are many other things I would add. First off, a genie. That would be the shit right there! You rub his lamp and he comes out and gives you three wishes. Then I would wish for all the wishes in I wanted! Another thing I would want would be a trebuchet in my backyard of my dreamhouse (Which I will talk about another time) just incase I was bored. Nothing is more amusing then throwing stuff our of a trebuchet! One thing there would NOT be in my paradise city would be war. War is a horrible thing. Lives are lost, money is wasted and airtime of television is spent covering war instead of that new episode of the simpsons I was desperatley waiting for! And the roads... Oh the roads... It would be built by the richest of men (literaly, built by rich people with shovels, and wheelbarrows and everything) made of silver. The yellow lines on the road would be gold and the white lines made of platinum. Pretty fly way to roll with the first hovercar (Also made of gold). There would also be a casino where crazy shit would happen all of the time. One week, I go in and its being robbed by George Clooney, next week, theres Pierce Brosman hitting on another woman at the poker tables and so on so forth. And lastly, I would NOT be president of this paradise city. I would be the DICTATOR! I would rule with an iron fist and a "Mathmatical Theory Policy" Meaning this...

Disobience+Revolution=Burnt at the stake

Im sure you get the point. That about covers my paradise city. There would probablly be more in it, but that will be for another day.

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