Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Freemans Guide to a Good Time- Part1

Hey, I notice people take life to seriously. I notice in my life that Im pretty chill. I know how to have a good time. The only reason I dont do more is because Im to lazy. So here is part 1 of my guide on how to have a good time...

-Listen to Queen's "Dont Stop Me Now"
-Be part of an online community
-Watch classic movies with freinds (My recomendation, 2001 a Space Odyssey)
-Play Time Crisis at the movie theater with freinds (TC 1,2 arent as good. If you can find 3, then your in the zone)
-See how many times you can get rick rolled in one day!
-Play some sort of sport with your freinds (My recomendation, contact golf! Its like golf, but with a football element to it)
-Look through your phone bills and see how much you spend on texting. If you have unlimited texting, see how much it costs you in the long run just to say "Omg roflmao, he said tht???1?"
-Play an online videogame with freinds
-Get toghether at your house and play Grand Theft Auto. You wouldnt think it, but GTA lets the good times roll fast
-Laughing at inferior beings (animals and aleins only. not people of any kind. My blog does not endorse racism. Only politically correct humor)
-Throwing stuff at birds and seeing if you can hit them (Owl's=3points Eagles=10points The Band the Eagles=Perfect score)
-Remember the generation before you and realize how little they got done, despite what the history textbooks tell you (Because they were all high)
-Listening to your mental playlist
-Procrastinating homework (Not saying I do, but it would sure as hell leave more time for other things if I did)
-Reading my blog

And thats about all for part 1 of my guide to a good time. Some things I didnt put on there were things like partying and clubbing. The reason? Cause you always get into unnessecary trouble at those things (Esspecially if you under the age of 18) When Im older, you can bet your ass those are going on this list.

I hope this has expanded your veiw on life. If not, then to bad and your time has been given to me while you read this. I now own your time. How does that make you feel?

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